Denver's hospitality was awesome - they treated the riders absolutely wonderful - from greeting us all, from the supper on Saturday night, the great service which we all cycled 2 miles too, lunch again, supper, etc. etc. Free haircuts, billeting, you name it, they supplied it. We met up with nephew Phil, Kim and their girls for a short visit on Sunday. I had to do orientation and they have a very busy schedule so they came out to the high school to see us.
Monday morning early I was on the road with Rita and 2 other 2005 veterens and started off to Fort Morgan. We left town along a bike path for 27 km and then got out on the Interstate. I managed to cycle 110 km before the heat became too much for me and Peter and Adrian picked me up and took me to camp. Joe cycled on Adrian's bike that day and did make it into town but he also found it a very tough day with the extreme heat. I also knew I had to be in early to start by duties on the sweep team - once every 10 days all cyclists have to help get supper on the tables for everyone. This also meant that I had duties the next morning to leave after all the cyclists and come into camp last. I did get excused from that because I had just started.
Tuesday morning was another early start to beat the heat. We were on the road before 7:00 again - today with Rita and Rita. I made the whole day and felt just so wonderful to come into camp with Joe, Adri and Peter to welcome us in. It was a 140 km day and was mostly along a rural highway with excellent paved shoulders - a lot better road than on Monday.
Adrian cycled on Tuesday - he had to celebrate his birthday with a ride. The guys decided on Monday that they would stick around for one more day which was wonderful for us - one more sleep in comfort. It did become a late night because we had to celebrate Adri's birthday and he had to say goodbye.
Wednesday morning bright and early reality set in for me - all my stuff had to go into the gear truck and we had to say goodbye. Joe and Peter promised they would set up our tents for us in McCook if they could and lo and behold we came into town and there were our tents, under a tree all set up with chocolates on our pillows, red roses from Adrian...... this did bring tears to my eyes when I saw it.
It was a tough day and we went well until km 108 when I just couldn't take the heat anymore. All of a sudden there were rolling hills and I did 3 of them before my chain came off on an uphill and I had to stop and put it back on in the over 100 degree hot sunshine. I lost my momentum and got to the top and couldn't get the energy to go further. The van was filled with others who also had to call it quits. I was exhausted to say the least.
In talking with other cyclists on Wednesday night I made up my mind that I was going to take the day off on Thursday because the weather forecast was for over 100 again and it was going to be a 153 km day. This was Friday and Saturday's ride will be doable for me. I also have some issues with numbness in my hands which makes it a little difficult to change gears and I wanted to give my hands a rest as well. I got up Thursday morning while it was still dark (we did have time change again yesterday) and started packing up my stuff. I did for a short minute wonder what I was in for but the feeling passed quickly enough again. I had a good day riding with others who weren't cycling and got into camp just after 2:00 and then I set up my tent and Rita's - this is what friends do for each other.
I'm going to sign off before I get told that the library is shutting down.....thanks to all those who are reading and leave comments. Not sure when I will be on again.....keep praying that we will be kept safe, a few serious accidents have happened that I'm sure you have read about. Pray that we will get some cooler weather - today's humidity was 90%.
Hi Margaret,
Just catching up on your start and wonderful to hear about your progress to date. We heard today that July was the wettest month on record in Ontario. August is to be more seasonable, so I figure by the time I start it should be dry and hot..just what you guys have had all along! You go girl! Keep safe. Looking forward to catching up with you in person real soon.
Sharon from Hamilton
Margaret- you rock. I would have hitched a ride in the SAG wagon by Monday at 11:00 a.m.!!!
Gina Taylor Lunshof
Margaret: Hoping that as you end this week you will get a bit of respite in the weather...I watch the weather channel for updates on the weather where you guys are. Glad that you are starting to get your kinks worked out. Looking forward to joining you in just over a week!
Dear Margaret;
I am sp excited for you!! I'll be following your blog and looking for you in pictures! And mostly, adding you to my prayers!
Enjoy every minute and hug my beautiful niece for me.
(I read In Tandem this past week and it sure helps to understand what is happening out on the road!)
Hi Margaret
Good to hear from you!!! You are incredible. From your words I can tell this will be a life changing event for you. I wish you Gods strength and protection as you continue!!
Love Sue
Can't wait for the next update!!!!
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